
Nellys Art Ethos

  My Ethos and How it Happened   As a struggling artist materials have always been the largest expense and therefore the biggest barrier to making work.  So as a way around this I initially used anything I could find in and around my own life to make sculptures with.  After finding an amazing amount of materials to use without having to buy them I realised that I could make art without impacting on Earths valuable  resources as well as my own. This has now become the ethos of my art practice and I not only continue to source more materials from the discarded parts of our lives but I dismantle and reuse many of my sculptures once they have served their purpose.   A little later I shall introduce you to Juicy Lucy who is currently on her third transformation, so far she has become Scary Mary, Sinister Susan and is becoming . . . . . . well the name hasn't come to me yet but watch this space. Pictured below are some of the typical things I use for constru...